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As the Builder we are quite commonly asked by prospective clients, "where do we even start" when considering a new project. The only true answer, no matter who's answering the question, is always the budget!! Without a firm acceptance of what is willing to be outlaid, how could you possibly start the design process? Seems very simple but this is where a lot of projects fail before they have even made it off paper!  


Once this is obtained, we believe the best place to start is with the builder. As you will probably be about to embark on one of the most considerable financial/lifestyle choices possible, why not do away with the notion that the builder is just there to facilitate the construction of the dwelling. Builders are the conduit between the Designer, Building Surveyor, Engineer, Planning Departments, and a myriad of additional consultants along the way to realising your dream.  

The pre-conception that the builder will take the budget and increase the profit margin, whilst giving you the client less of what you are really trying to achieve, is a totally foundless argument. As builders, we are always looking for ways to minimise the impacts of cost escalation and genuinely want to build you project. So would it not be in everyone's best interest to remove this stigma and get stuck into trying to achieve the desired result? 

Therefore what to look for in a Builder? An experienced and dedicated team that is suited to your project by way of; style, size, intricacy, and commitment. Most building relationships last for not only the build, (ranging from 6 months to 2 years on occasion), hence a personal connection is also a key requirement in our belief. After all - you need to like someone to be able to collaborate with, over what can at times be a quite a stressful journey.  

Does this all seem overwhelming to this point? 

Well don't be concerned, we also have the missing ingredient ... and it comes in 2 forms depending on what is desired by you. 


We offer a comprehensive package that will manage the design process from initial briefings all the way through to the day your new keys are handed over. This starts with a feasibility study on what is desired vs the budget rendered. From here we will move to conceptual designs and a further review to confirm the design is still in keeping with the brief.

This is normally only offered at the highest architectural level and comes at not only a huge cost, for the documentation in addition to the checks and balances required also. Our belief is that this is imperative therefore we have introduced this process to the balance of the market.


Once approval is met by the clients, only then will all the external consultants be engaged. These included but are not limited to - Engineer, Soil test, Thermal/Energy Rater, BAL Rater, etc. This is another safety control designed to minimize cost escalation for works rendered obsolete if the design needs to be amended throughout the design phase. 


Once the package is complete, the client reserves the right to take the documents out to tender. If the project is in keeping with Eastwood's niche of the market, we would also offer to be part of the process from a building perspective. 


All in all, the project will be built as opposed to the 50-60% that never make it off the drafting table or past tender. 




Understandably there will still be some clients that will want to keep their cards closer to their chest and for that we have another option. This option may suit those who either have industry experience or potentially are more concerned with the design requirements of the build.  


If this is the case, we offer a comprehensive process using one of our very reputable external consultants. You would then have the option of Eastwood undertaking a Cost Assessment for a fee at any stage of the process. 


If a formal quotation is desired, Eastwood would also be happy to render this service if the project is in keeping with our market standing.  


So... Are you an Option A or B?  You decide!  We look forward to finding out!! 

9729 6765

©2021 by Eastwood Building co.

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